If You compare Business to an Areoplane, then Operations is like one of the TWO ENGINES of a Business. If one of the engines is shut off then aeroplane looses its ability to fly and needs to be halted. Similarly if the operations (one of the engine) is not Creatively managed to sync with finance (other engine) then it has to be halted , stopped. Operations is the KEY to Successful Business.
Can you Deny to:
- World Population will keep on Increasing.
- Only Agriculture cannot help survive and sustain the Growing Population
- People have desire apart from Food Shelter & Clothes
- Industrialization gave the Solution
- People aspire to Grow, Similarly generations aspire to Grow
- Agricultural people become industrialists
- Industrialization cause Inflation Rise in Prices
- Profits and Inflation are Opposites
- Industries and Business need to profit in Rising Inflation
- People unaware are Layedoff
Are You one of the Layoffs. Its not Your Fault. Whats The Wayout. Catch up Our Bare Minimum Success Book from this website and educate Yourself to how to not get in to this Layoff trap. If You cant ateast You can make a plan for your next generation.