If You compare Business to an Areoplane, then Operations is like one of the TWO ENGINES of a Business. If one of the engines is shut off then aeroplane looses its ability to fly and needs to be halted. Similarly if the operations (one of the engine) is not Creatively managed to sync with finance (other engine) then it has to be halted , stopped. Operations is the KEY to Successful Business.
When you think of Operations what al areas You must cover to ensure an efficient operations with no surprises and producing effective results.
- What all comes under Operations
- What are the Key KPIs of Operations
- What skills are required to manage the operations
- Operations is Manufacturing, SCM, HR, Maintenance, Quality, HR, Administration, IT
- Complete Operations guideline
If You want to become an operations expert then dive in to our Three products which will give You entire idea of Operations. How to manage Operations, Excel in Operations, And build a Profit centre, bread earner, revenue generator operations.